I hope that this blog is helpful for those of you that are trying to make money online. Even though you may read headlines saying it's easy to make money online, be careful. A lot of that is just someone trying to get you to buy their products....or it is a scam. I got a call the other day from someone asking if I'd like free training for 6 months in return for a good testimony. It sounded to good to be true but I continued the process just to see where it was going. It turned out that my "trainer" would need payment ofcourse and they were going to use me to get a grant for their "trainer". They didn't care about training me, it was just a way to get the grant.
The things I've put on here are legitimate businesses (as far as I can tell so far)and don't just create wealth overnight. It takes advertising (free advertising if you use the links at the right) and a level of commitment.
Please contact me with any questions you may have. I want to be available to help people so maybe they won't have to go through some of the bad experiences that I did.
cell phone: 567-204-0311
email: ruth52greenbiz@gmail.com
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